International Conference: Circular Economy in Plastics

CEC4Europe together with ISWA Austria and ISWA International invites you to a international conference in Vienna to discuss the role, opportunities as well as the challenges of Circular Economy in Plastics.

When? 13th of December 2023 at 14:00 CET

Where? On the premises of the City of Vienna Department for Waste Management: 48er-Tandler, 1050 Vienna, Siebenbrunnenfeldgasse 3

Besides the global and international boundary conditions to be formed by the international plastic treaty that is negotiated just now, as well as the respective EU-regulations already in place through the circular economy package, we would like to invite you to discuss with us what opportunities digitization, mechanical and chemical recycling provide and what role they will be able to play. Also the role of Waste2Energy in connection with carbon capture and utilization (CCU) will be presented by and discussed with international experts.

Afterwards, you have the unique opportunity for a fruitful exchange and networking with the representatives of all three organizations.

… and please don’t forget to

SAVE THE DATE – 13th December 2023

The Circularity Gap Report 2023

Circle Economy, in collaboration with Deloitte Netherlands, has published today the Circularity Gap Report 2023 and the result is not pleasant. Due to rising material extraction and use the global situation is getting worse.

The global circular economy is shrinking from 9.1% in 2018 to 8.6% in 2020 and 2023 the global economy is now only 7.2% circular. To improve the situation the population must need to reduce global material extraction and consumption by 30%. It can be achieved if we use less, use longer, regenerate and use again.

Separate collection rates for plastic packaging in Austria

According to the EU Circular Economy Package, recycling of plastic packaging waste (PPW) has to be enhanced significantly by 2025 and 2023. Dieter Schuch, together with Jakob Lederer, Johann Fellner and Christoph Scharff, published a paper about separate collection rates for plastic packaging in Austria taking collection systems and urbanization into account. The separate collection of PPW was analyzed within Austria, where a variety of collection prodecures are implemented. The highest performance was achieved in systems covering mainly rural areas where all plastic packaging waste is collected via curbside collection, whereas the lowest rate was recorded in urban areas.

Encouraged by the EU Commission’s Circular Economy Package (CEP)

Encouraged by the EU Commission’s Circular Economy Package (CEP)

CEC4Europe endorses the importance of closing loops and boosting resource efficiency, but at the same time, pleads for a more scientifically and fact based approach: A systematic analysis of our future raw material needs and all relevant secondary raw material sources is needed so we can achieve the common goals of the circular economy – environmental protection, securing of raw materials, economic benefit, and growth – in an effective and efficient manner, based on scientific evidence. Taking far-reaching economic and environmental policy decisions with an insufficient data basis would be speculative and not in line with the CEP objectives. CEC4Europe is an association under Austrian law, based in Vienna, AT, and registered in the EU Transparency register under No 628480917959-24 (24/06/2015).

Supporting European Institutions

Founded in 2015, CEC4Europe aims at supporting European Institutions, national decision makers and other stakeholders in developing an effective and efficient circular economy by using an integrated and fact-based approach.

  • 41 EU Documents
  • 28 Background papers
  • 25 Publications & Videos

About us

CEC4Europe provides decision makers on all levels, businesses, and the interested public with evidence and concepts for the transition to a circular economy that not only supports our raw material basis, but also economic and qualitative growth in Europe.

Peter Hertz
Peter Hertz Chefredakteur und schreibt für CEC4Europe
Stefan Fried
Stefan Fried Chefredakteur bei CEC4Europe